The Federal Reserve’s choice was a “big cut.” On the 18th, the Fed announced during the Federal Ope…
[2024-09-19]On the 18th, the Federal Reserve (Fed) implemented a ‘big cut,’ reducing the benchmark interest rat…
[2024-09-19]A proclamation ceremony was held at the LA City Council to officially celebrate the upcoming 51st L…
[2024-09-19]President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, sent c…
[2024-09-19]The Federal Reserve (Fed), the central bank of the United States, has implemented its first interes…
[2024-09-18]Korean-American banks in Southern California are continuing their growth trajectory in the ranking …
[2024-09-18]Costco, a leading American wholesale retailer, is set to build a 5-acre mixed-use complex on a comm…
[2024-09-18]At the 25th presidential election of the World Korean Trade Association (OKTA LA), set to be held o…
[2024-09-18]On the 17th, the Inside Safe program was implemented at the intersection of 7th Street and Serrano …
[2024-09-18]As the term of current LA Korean American Federation (LAKF) President James Ahn ends on December 31…
[2024-09-17]A comparison of the profitability of 40 banks headquartered in Los Angeles County revealed that Kor…
[2024-09-17]Workers at Boeing, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer, have gone on strike demanding higher …
[2024-09-17]A 70-year-old Korean man was severely injured after being assaulted while protesting reckless drivi…
[2024-09-17]The international gold price reached a new record high on the 12th, driven by expectations of an in…
[2024-09-16]The price of homes in neighborhoods with good school districts in the U.S. is up to $300,000 higher…
[2024-09-16]With the onset of this month’s rate cut being taken as a given, focus is now on the size of the cut…
[2024-09-16]OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, launched a new version of ChatGPT on the 12th, equipped with reas…
[2024-09-16]General Motors (GM), the leading automotive company in the U.S., and Hyundai Motor Company are emba…
[2024-09-13]Korean comprehensive construction company Bando Construction has set a new milestone in the U.S. ho…
[2024-09-13]In the 3rd Korean Daily Amateur Photography Contest, Younghee (Clara) Kim (Virginia) won the Grand …
[2024-09-13]연방준비제도(Fed·연준)가 마침내 기준금리 인하를 단행하며 인플레이션을 잡기 위한 고금리 기조에 사실상 마침표를 찍었다.연준은 18일 이틀간…
내년 1월 1일부터 버지니아내 모든 공립 초중고에서 수업 중 학생들의 셀폰 사용이 제한되거나 금지된다. 버지니아주 교육부는 학교 수업에 장애가…
공화당 대통령 후보인 도널드 트럼프 전 대통령을 노린 총격 암살 시도가 또 다시 발생해 정국을 긴장시키고 있다. 두 달 전 유세 현장에서 암살…